You can find more about TuxGuardian internals
here (portuguese only).
You need Linux kernel 2.6.12 or higher, compiled with LSM support.
To make sure you have LSM support, type
$ cd /usr/src/<current-kernel-version>
$ make menuconfig
Go to the 'Security options' section. The following options must be
The DEFAULT LINUX CAPABILITIES option can be checked, but
only as a module (not compiled into the kernel).
There is no need to set ROOT PLUG and NSA SELINUX SUPPORT options.
If you decide to use TuxGuardian's graphical interface, you'll
also need QT 3.1 or higher.
You will need the following packages (names may differ from distro to distro):
gcc4 (depending on your system)
TuxGuardian is a three-layered firewall. This means that TuxGuardian
was developed not as a single program, but as three applications that
exchange data in order to implement the firewall's functionality.
These three applications are:
- The security module
- The daemon
- The frontend
The security module is the "low level" part of TuxGuardian. It
is like a spy that discovers when an application is trying to do
something suspicious and then warns the daemon about it.
The daemon is an userspace program that receives the module's warnings
and checks if the application has permission to do whatever it is
trying to do. The daemon knows this kind of stuff because of a
configuration file called daemon.conf. After finding out if the
application can access the Internet, the daemon responds to the
module, who effectively allows or forbids the access.
If the daemon does not know what to respond to the module, it can
contact the frontend. The frontend is just a simple program that
receives a message from the daemon and translates it into humans
language. The frontend asks the user (typically through a graphical
window) what he wants to do, and then responds to the daemon. Note
that the frontend isn't really necessary: TuxGuardian is perfectly
able to operate only with the static information written on
How to install/uninstall
The first thing to do is to download TuxGuardian's source code. Let's
suppose the file has a name like tuxguardian-0.1.tar.gz:
$ tar xvzf tuxguardian-0.1.tar.gz
$ cd tuxguardian-0.1/
To compile and install everything:
$ su
<enter root password>
$ make
To uninstall:
$ su
<enter root password>
$ make uninstall
All the binaries, with exception of the module's, are installed on
/usr/local/bin. You can change this path by modifying the Makefile's
variable 'bindir'.
The security module is installed inside /lib/modules, and the exact
subdirectory depends on your kernel version. You can find out the
exact path where the module is going to be installed by typing:
$ echo /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
How to use
In order to use TuxGuardian you must run the daemon and load the
security module, both as superuser:
$ su
<enter root password>
$ tg-daemon&
$ modprobe tuxg
If you want to use the graphical frontend (advised), run the following commands (still as superusers):
$ su
<enter root password>
$ tg-frontend&
Tips and random remarks
If you have any problems loading the module with 'modprobe tuxg',
make sure you don't have any other security modules loaded. If this
is the case, try to run (as root) the following:
$ su
<enter root password>
$ modprobe -r capability
Notice that since there are still no initialization/shutdown scripts
that ensures the automatic loading/unloading of TuxGuardian you'll
have to explicitly type the above commands.
Besides that, you should note that all applications that uses
Internet sockets at system initialization/shutdown (ie. iptables,
ifconfig, named, etc), must have their permissions configured
in daemon.conf (more on this on the following section). Otherwise when
you initialize/shutdown your system the module will be loaded but the
daemon will be either offline or unaware of the necessary security
informations. If you don't want to configure these applications,
do not forget to remove to module (modprobe -r tuxg) when
shutting down your system.
Also notice that both the daemon and the frontend dump a
messages on the screen, so you might want to close that console after
these commands or redirect the output to a file.
If you decided NOT the use the frontend
We strongly advise you to run the graphical frontend. In this case, you'll be
warned by means of a graphical dialog every time a new application tries to
use the Internet. When this dialog appears you can either click the OK or the
DENY button. If you decide to mark "Don't ask me again", your
answer will be automatically stored in the configuration file.
However, if you chose NOT to run the frontend,
TuxGuardian's security informations will need to be manually configured.
To do so you must edit the daemon.conf file. For example:
$ vi /etc/daemon.conf
Now you must insert the rules in it. A rule is something like
The first line if the full application path. The second is the
app's md5hash. You can obtain this hash by running
$ md5sum <application-path>
The third line correspond to the actual permissions. The
currently supported permissions are:
PERMIT_APP and DENY_APP are usually used when you want to permit an
application of running as a client (the application will be allowed to
open connections to remote servers). On the other hand, if you set
DENY_APP the program won't be able to allocate sockets. Be careful
with this option: it will completely deny the application's
access to the Internet.
PERMIT_SERVER and DENY_SERVER are used to permit or stop
programs of acting like a servers (that is, to receive connections
from remote clients). Don't forget that a server must also have
ordinary permissions to access the Internet, so if you PERMIT_SERVER
some application you should also set PERMIT_APP. On the other hand, it
might be prudent to set both DENY_SERVER and PERMIT_APP if the
application is only a client, and never acts like a server.
Finally, if you completely distrust some application, you should set
TuxGuardian and all the contents on this page are copyright 2004 Bruno Castro da Silva
TuxGuardian is distributed under the terms of the GPL.